Thursday, July 30, 2020

Building A Freelance Website When You Cant Find Work -

Building A Freelance Website When You Can't Find Work Photograph Credit-Flickr.comIf you've been battling to secure your optimal position for some time, you may get a kick out of the chance to think about outsourcing. There is each chance you will get scouted by a top firm in the event that you intrigue them with your abilities as a contractor.You would just need to finish a few independent occupations for an organization before they reach and need to offer an increasingly stable situation. Once in a while it's more about who you know than what you know, and outsourcing is a superb method to coordinate with the privilege people.However, you're going to require a site on the off chance that you need to make life simple for yourself. You should utilize that area to feature your aptitudes and experience. Essentially, it will turn out to be to some degree a CV for any potential employers.evalThere are some amazing tips underneath for getting the best outcomes. With a touch of karma, you begin acquiring and drawing nearer to your fantasy wor k in merely days.1. Keep your webpage as clear as possibleevalOur first tip identifies with the manner by which your site is structured. Awfully numerous individuals think they look brilliant by utilizing complex subjects and marking. That is the most exceedingly terrible thing you can do. Organization managers that visit your space need to find out about your abilities and experience.They have no enthusiasm for how much cash you needed to hand over to a web engineer. In view of that, you ought to consistently utilize white foundations and dark text.You should make a solid effort to guarantee that exploring your area is as simple as cake. That way, you ought to figure out how to benefit from each open door that comes your way.2. Guarantee individuals can connect at the snap of a buttonMaking sure you're available is the most significant part of your site structure. You ought to incorporate telephone numbers and email contact addresses at the very least.You likewise should seriously think about adding a live visit highlight to your pages. That is a superb thought since it implies potential customers can converse with you the second they land on your site. They won't have the opportunity to look somewhere else on the grounds that you show up straight away to talk about their necessities. That will likewise the big time proprietors that you are dependable and hardworking.You will make an extraordinary impression in case you're generally mindful. In this way, you have to quit laboring for five minutes at whatever point you hear the ping of a talk window opening.3. Use PPC publicizing to direct people to your domainevalDriving pertinent traffic to your space is regularly the hardest assignment while advancing a site. You have to focus on your endeavors in like manner to guarantee you just pull in the most appropriate individuals. In light of that, you ought to consistently utilize promoting instruments like Google Adwords. You could deal with the procedure yourself or re-appropriate the activity for a little fee.You are nearly ensured to locate a better than average compensation per click organization ready to run your battle. Everything boils down to how much time you have on your hands, and how much cash you're willing to spend. The best thing about PPC administrations is that most don't require a base investment.Put the tips from this page into training, and we're sure your new site will get a great deal of consideration. Outsourcing is a splendid method to win a living when you don't have the correct contacts to score your fantasy work. You're the chief, thus you decide your working hours.The just drawback is that you could wind up without work now and then. In any case, you can constrain those events with the guidance we've handed-off today.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

41% of Companies with Poor Training Have Employees Leave in 12 Months - Workology

41% of Companies with Poor Training Have Employees Leave in 12 Months Employee Retention vs. Recruiting Programs Employee Retention vs. Recruiting Programs Talent management and the war for talent remain a hot topic for HR, CEOs and Recruiters as we begin to look at  2013.  Good organizations are exploring ways to recruit, retain, and train their employees.  The rest are making it easy to poach their best talent.  And I love poaching talent.  In the recruitment space, sourcing passive candidates has always been a focus especially with social media.  In 2012, a number of algorithm  social media based sourcing tools have arose making searching, evaluating, and engaging top talent easier.  There are HR technology companies right now developing algorithms  and big data tools that can determine when and if an employee is in the job market based on their online activities alone.  Imagine as a recruiter, creating a pie in the sky candidate database that new tech will alert you when your top employees are in the market.  All because of updates and posts to their blogs, online profiles, and social networks.  Its happening. . . Paycoms infographic (displayed below) breaks down how to foster what they call super talent at your organization.  Ive bulleted some highlights and interesting points for you. 41% of companies with poor training programs have employees plan to leave within 1 year.  Companies are struggling with what I call the chicken and the egg problem.  Why invest in your current workforce when the data tells you, they will leave in a year to 18 months?  For many companies, their retention strategy is we can just hire more people instead of focusing their efforts on retention efforts including employee development, training, recognition, and company culture programs. The top 5 reasons why employees leave organizations.  Its not just about money.  Its about 1) Lack of trust in senior leadership, 2) Inefficient pay, 3) An unhealthy or undesirable culture, and 4) Lack of concern for development.  Have you polled or surveyed your exiting or existing employees and asked them why they would leave the organization?  Their answers might surprise you.  Its not always about money, but sure money is important, but not the only thing that motivates employees to staying work at your organization. Pay for Performance Programs increase employee retention by 27%.   We like to be recognized monetarily and publicly for our good work.  The challenge with pay for performance programs is they take time.  Its not a simple one and done.  These take time to develop, research, and design, and in this fast paced world our leaders want instant results.  And a 3% across the board pay raise for our top performers isnt motivating enough.  Especially for that one guy whos leaving everyone in his work team in the dust.  A 3% raise is an insult.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

How To Give Candidates Valuable Interview Feedback

The most effective method to Give Candidates Valuable Interview Feedback Many think the main motivation behind the recruiting procedure is to assess competitors. In the event that work searcher has what it takes and qualities required, fantastic. If not, the procedure is over for that person. While that attitude assists associations with arriving at their objective of filling void positions, it overlooks what an applicant needs. Occupation searchers are hoping to locate the correct organization and job for them. Furthermore, it tends to be amazingly disappointing for them to be told 'no' without knowing why. They never realize what they did well or how they can improve, making it hard for them to turn out to be better expertly. Be that as it may, when associations set aside the effort to give competitors input about their presentation during the employing procedure, even dismissed occupation searchers leave with something of significant worth. In the event that you need to make a superior up-and-comer experience and manufacture a more grounded manager brand, begin giving competitors criticism during the employing procedure. Here are four master tips to assist you with conveying recognition and evaluate to work searchers: 1. Treat them like individuals, not resumes Do you recall when you were last denied for work and didnt get talk with criticism? How did that cause you to feel? Criticism improves the competitor experience since it causes them know where they are solid and where they need improvement. It additionally causes them realize what the business sees when they take a gander at their applicant profile. I attempt to give criticism all through the employing procedure, not exactly when its over. Keeping a consistent correspondence stream is the means by which you show somebody you care about them as an individual and giving input is an incredible method to manufacture further on that affinity. Sick even investigate their resume in our first call and work with them to improve it. Youre managing genuine individuals, so treat them like you would need to be dealt with in the event that you were from their point of view. Attempt to consistently leave the discussion from a positive point of view in order to keep future open doors open for the two sides. Dan Bell, Founder CEO, NerdHire Each progression of the #hiringprocess is an opportunity to give competitors input. @DanDanBell Snap To Tweet 2. Try not to be excessively basic Criticism is significant. Regardless of whether input is from an associate, companion, relative, or expected boss, it's something that can bring about a productive change to address any sort of weakness. Meeting input furnishes the likely recruit with an incredible stage to comprehend where their shortcomings and qualities are. Being excessively basic is something we should keep away from as spotters. Sick frequently incorporate a bit of valuable meeting criticism, however I ensure that both when this input I acclaim a piece of the meeting. For instance, something like, I truly enjoyed our meeting today. You were exceptionally arranged, did some exploration on the organization, our objectives, and values, and truly had an extraordinary comprehension of the position you were keen on. On the off chance that I could offer some useful input, attempt to be more loose during your next meeting with my associate. I comprehend the meeting procedure can be distressing, however you truly have nothing to stress over, simply act naturally. Other than that, I truly trust you progressed admirably and that your accreditations will be esteemed to any business that needs to welcome you ready. This is an extraordinary equation and leaves the interviewee with a feeling of certainty and a truly feasible objective to accomplish for their next meeting, regardless of whether that be with us or another business. Dave Lopes, Director of Recruiting, Badger Maps Incredible input offers the two positives and negatives. #RecruitingTips @BadgerMaps Snap To Tweet 3. Concentrate on realities Criticism, conveyed accurately, assists competitors with improving and develop, whether or not or not they're employed by your organization. Everybody, including you, profits by this. The competitor can improve their conditions. You get the chance to perceive how the person in question reacts to input. In addition, you leave the up-and-comer with a positive impression that they're bound to impart to other people. The best an ideal opportunity to give criticism is during the in-person meet, particularly when it's a hands-on meet. During the hands-on meet, a competitor accomplishes test work to show that she can carry out the responsibility (versus simply revealing to you she can). You at that point give criticism about her example work and permit her to proceed with that work. This gives away from of her ability to acknowledge criticism, and how rapidly she can join that input. Make sure to concentrate on realities, not feelings. How? Offer what you saw, heard, or experienced, since your encounters are unquestionable. This makes your input believable and significant. Scott Wintrip, President, Wintrip Consulting Group Significant criticism is about realities, not feelings. #Recruiting @scottwintrip Snap To Tweet 4. Plan to improve the general candidate pool Consider offering input to competitors as a Pay It Forward understanding for you, as a business. The best way to improve the general candidate pool is to give strong and useful input when you experience a competitor who, while not a fit for your association, gives indications that they are a coachable person. Consider the purpose of your criticism and keep you commitments positive, useful and centered. It is safe to say that you are thinking about bringing this individual into your work family? At that point give them input that will manage them to improve and change in manners that will assist them with being a considerably more grounded fit for your association. In the event that the competitor is plainly not a strong fit, at that point consider giving input that will permit the contender to leave with subsequent stages for developing themselves for their next potential boss meetings. Give criticism anytime of the employing procedure that you feel input benefits the applicant. Be that as it may, consistently request authorization to offer bits of knowledge before giving criticism, remedy, or training. Close your meeting with a positive word and thank the possibility for their ability to participate in an open discourse. Erica McCurdy, Master Certified Coach Managing Member, McCurdy Life Coach, LLC Consider input in the #jobinterview as an opportunity to show preemptive kindness to applicants. Snap To Tweet What are some different motivations to offer meeting input to applicants? Offer in the remarks underneath!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

How to Check a Job Candidates Personality

How to Check a Job Candidates Personality How to Check a Job Candidates Personality Nick Corcodilos asks: Managers, how do you check a candidates personality? Interestingly enough, several posters mention personality tests. Here are ways to check without using personality tests: Behavioral interview questions For those of you who arent familiar, behavioral interview questions asks candidates to recall specific instances where they were faced with a set of circumstances. Here are a few examples from Wikipedia: Tell me about a project you worked on where the requirements changed midstream. What did you do? Tell me about a time when you took the lead on a project. What did you do? Describe the worst project you worked on. A single behavioral interview question can reveal a candidates personality. During a recent interview, I asked a candidate about his work, using the behavioral interview question technique. From his response, I deduced that he has had difficulty influencing others, can give up easily, and usually gets comfortable with the status quo. Reference checks References are a great way to verify a job seekers personality. Yes, references can be coached. However, Ive found that most references arent coached, and those that are coached arent coached well. Contrary to popular opinion, references (even those that a candidate nominates) can be truthful. Straightforward questions like, Whats his or her biggest weakness? can offer surprising insights into a candidates personality.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Can a Business be This Simple

Can a Business be This Simple The author of this guest blog asks an interesting question and would like your thoughts in the comments section. Thanks! Recently I applied for a leadership role at a software start-up and had a 1-hour interview with the CEO. Based on the job description, it sounded like the ideal candidate needed to be very well-rounded, have a hands-on aptitude, and the ability to build a team of employees, contractors and agencies. In my interview, I sold myself as such. Boy was I off base! Heres the gotcha I wasnt ready for: start-ups write great job descriptions but those job descriptions arent really what they want. A startup typically has a much more short-term outlook and is quite focused, even myopic, on a few core objectives. If you arent aware of those objectives and start selling yourself on other attributes you will get passed over rather quickly. Take it from me! Here are those objectives I picked up from my interview with the CEO. These wont be the same for every startup but I think theres an underlying fundamental theme to what startups are obsessed with: Do we know what customers want? Can we provide the service/product those potential customers want? Do we have the ability to get in front of potential customers? Do we have the sales team that can close those prospective customers? During my interview with the CEO, I was taken back by how rudimentary her view point was towards structuring her business. She was building a software company that focused on talent management and wanted to grow to a $1 billion company as quickly as possible. To do so, she identified only 4 functions that her employees were going to focus on. Product management A few employees focused on reaching out to customers and potential customers and asking them 1) what kind of features they wanted in their HR software, 2) what pain points and challenges existed with their existing software, and 3) how does a piece of software affect their job? The answers to these questions would guide their product development and lead generation. They needed to get these answers as quickly as possible and deliver them to the software development team. Product development The bulk of the employees would be coding software building the product out. They would use the latest languages and employ the latest trends in a smooth visual and functional user experience. Speed is the key to getting a good enough product out the door that they could improve on later. This is where the company was spending its funding: hiring all the specialties for delivering enterprise software. Lead generation The role of marketing was to identify the right messaging for the target customer, identify the right channels to generate leads and then fill the pipeline with leads. There were no goals or initiatives for branding, team building, etc. It was only about finding good leads. Sales Sales was to focus on closing those leads and generating a few on their own. They had to reduce the sales cycle and number of touches required to a minimum and maintain a healthy growth quota. Sales reps would be regional and travel by car to customer sites flying to see a client would be rare. What gets me is how these areas were devoid of much else than a single goal. I agree that those are four critical areas for a software company but I question if it is reasonable to expect a company to build and grow by focusing that way. Corporate culture and career development werent a concern. Team development and leadership would be nice but not if they interfered with the bottom line goals. What Do You Think? At first I was critical of this model, but now Im starting to admire it. I currently work for a large technology company and Im often concerned that we have taken our eye off the ball and dont stick to fundamentals. We waste money and our days are bloated by meetings. Our productivity can seem slow. But its a good place to work and you can easily spend your entire career there. If you are used to that environment you will have to shift your paradigm about what a start-up wants when you interview with them. So what do you think? Im conflicted and want to get your opinion on how you feel about this model and 1) what mistakes they are making and/or 2) if their thinking is innovative. Please comment below.